Patch 2.7 released to Apple

4 Apr 2012

Hi all,

We are happy to announce that we have released patch 2.7 to Apple for approval. This is the patch for Avacyn Restored, and contains the following changes:

- Added Avacyn Restored cards.
- Added an events calendar courtesy of (accessible from the news page).
- Added missing split cards in Planechase, namely Order // Chaos and Assault // Battery.
- Added HD art for many of the Premium and Duel decks.
- When displaying unique cards, the app will prioritize core sets over other sets like duel/premium decks, and will favor later sets like Magic 2012 over earlier ones like Tenth Edition.
- Updated DropBox API version (fixed Cancel button problem on DropBox).
- iPad: You can zoom into a card by pinching on it from the Build page.
- iPhone: When you zoom into a card by pinching on it, you can now scroll through the cards by swiping.

We have also updated the Mac edition to bring all it’s feature set in line with the other editions.

Check out the screenshot of the new calendar feature below, and do be sure to experiment with the swipe feature after zooming into a card!
